Photography Exhibitions


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"MISES EN SCENE" January 1993

"Gloria could have been content to simply document, and one would have said that her photos were "interesting". However, the covering of an event is for her simply the first act in the process of creation which comes to light in the shadow of a dark room."

"Her love of the aesthetic, her study of detail, her perfectionism,

and her sensitive understanding are all to be found in her black and white photgraphy." Jean-Christophe Thomas, La Dépêche du Midi,  

 Corps et Movement, December 1995


 "True works of art.. An original world of black and white where fantasy steals a march on the realism of the gesture.

She captures the expression of the child who sings, the clown  preparing his greasepaint smile,

the flickering shiver of a hand,

all of this with emotion and compassion."

René Lacaze, La Nouvelle République des Pyrenées.

 "Revealed two years ago ..(Gloria) expresses through her

photography her sense of the eclectic, with a formidable eye and perfect technique."

La Semaine des Pyrenées, 

Médéa - Théâtre du Matin.

Mise en scène Mercedes Tormo



 "Fifty-three photographs in total, which represent two years of work for this artist from Lourdes, and which cover twenty subjects for which she travelled over 5,000 kilometres. This second exhibition confirms the coming of age of her talent."

Jean-Christophe Thomas, La Dépêche du Midi. 

La Musique dans tous ses états, June 1997,

"Gloria’s photos are so many strokes of infinite tenderness : the delicacy of a gesture, the purity of a profile,

a touch of humour too..” L’Essor, 19/06/1997

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"An exhibition crowned with success, since the sale of her photographs allowed Gloria to donate over 10,000 francs to UNICEF" L'Essor,

"Instinct for the unexpected, and the reflex ... Gloria has this talent." L'Essor.


Tramway Nommé Désir - Cie Compteur Zéro

Mise en scène Karine Monneau

"Athletes frozen in action, or on the contrary, dancers fluid in their steps, Gloria Carreno

 explores the positions and attitudes of the body, or its parts, which we are no longer

 accustomed to perceiving, so little do we see when we look."

Arnaud Paul, La nouvelle République des Pyrenées, 16/11/1994.

« Histoires en soie »March, 1998


dreamlife-poster-D-2“The study of light, the study of silk for

a symbolism that revolves around ‘soie’ [=

silk, ‘soi’ = self], in other words the artist


Shadow is there to serve the light, and

light has no other purpose than to relate

to shadow.” M. Fagois , La Dépêche du Midi, 6/3/1998

“A perfect union between black and white. “

J. Abadie, La Nouvelle République des Pyrénées, 13/3/1998


« A slight blond figure in her black dress, Gloria Carreño is like her

photographs, a mixture of force and frailty, intense and generous,

unique and multiple. A regular visitor to the gallery at the Arrouza

with three exhibitions already, this time the young woman has conjured

up her version of “Stories in silk”. The stories unfold, almost tangible,

from one black and white photo to the next. Through the magic of the

developing, the touch is close to the hew of the unreal. It seems to hang

suspended in a vacuum then the following photo takes over with a veil of tulle. In another it

might be a carnival mask that glints and slips into the void. Further on is a fabric undulating in

 heady swathes. Visibly the artist teases the viewer, decomposing a scene in order to better

 single out a last detail. Over here it’s a Salsa sandal… Gloria accounts of her emotions and of

 ours she gives without limit. The proof, if proof were needed, once again Gloria will donate all

 proceeds from the sale of her photographs to cancer Research.”

L’Essor 03/1998

“A view to sport” 11/99



 “I try to represent the athlete off balance. It’s also

a reference to our lives where  we are all more or

less off balance and trying to find new balance” La

Dépêche 19/11/99



“When we take a picture we borrow something from the subject that we try to give back in the photograph.” G.C

“A sophisticated eye whose staging of the act captures the energy of the movement.”


“Gloria has that sharp, almost piercing, vision of the photographer

who matures from the world of colour …

Interested in form since her beginnings,

Gloria Carreño has mastered through the lens shapes

that are sometimes strange, alien or incongruous,

but always aesthetic.”

René Lacaze.


“Impressions of a woman” March 2005


“’In photography there is always something that remains undercover,

a feeling, an emotion.

You leave the viewer the wish to imagine, to feel the image.’

Each photograph is like a painting, it becomes unique to each viewer who stands before it.”

La Nouvelle République  



"We'll never take over nature. She is the one who will swallow us" G.C

"Les couleurs de l'eau" - "The colours of water"
Interview in French December 2012 -